You’re not too hungry for a game of Food Trivia, are ya? Jump in and take advantage before it’s too late. And, the best part is, it will help you ramp up your skills for the next game of Jack Trivia.

In what year was a the blue M&M introduced?
What is the main ingredient in Mince-pie?
John Pemberton is best known as the inventor of what beverage?
Which State is famous for their juicy peaches?
Which Celebrity owns Deleon Tequila?
What is Cottage Pie made of?
What is the abbreviation of Canadian Oil?
Which soda originated in North Carolina?
True or False - Hawaii is the only U.S. State that grows Coffee beans
What famous food was formerly known as a cure for diarrhea?
What is Gail Borden, Jr. best known for?
Which State was the birth place of the cheeseburger?
What is the State vegetable of Oklahoma?
Which liquor is made from the blue agave plant?
What popular alcoholic beverage is made from fermented rice?

Make sure to share this game of Food Trivia with all your friends and family. And, don’t forget to watch an episode of Daily Trivia for your free answer. Submit your team picture and your team name to get a shout out on a future episode.

Join Kid Corona, America’s Trivia Host, for an exciting and energizing game of trivia. Find a location near you and we will see you there.


1. The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn. And you thought Unicorns did not exist. Silly, you.

2. Catnip is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET. DEET is the main substance used in insect repellents. No wonder cats are never bitten. It all makes sense.

3. Vending machines kill more people than sharks. In other words, that vending machine in the break room, will kill you dead before a shark does. Still afraid to go in the ocean?

4. In 2014, Netflix spent $0 on marketing its DVD rental business, but over 6 million people still used it. Now that’s the power of word of mouth.

5. Humans are the Only Animals That Enjoy Spicy Foods. Ask Kid Corona, he loves sweating to his home made salsa.

6. Potato Chips Cause More Weight Gain Than Any Other Food. So, if you’ve been wondering why your pants are getting tight, you may want to look in your pantry and toss those chips.

7. It’s Impossible to Hum While You Hold Your Nose. Go ahead, try it. You tried it didn’t you? Of course you did. Was it weird? lol

8. Cell Phones Are Full of Bacteria. In fact, studies have shown that your treasured cell phone has more bacteria than a toilette. We know, disgusting!

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